GQ Research: Whitepaper

Exploring the foundations of the genius quotient (GQ)

A comprehensive look at gq and it's influential theorists

Catherine Mattiske - Genius Quotient (GQ) / Inner Genius Inventor, GQ Global
Dr. Paul Lever - Chief Research Officer, GQ Global

Publication Date: March 2023
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Catherine Mattiske and Dr. Paul Lever are passionate researchers dedicated to exploring the Genius Quotient (GQ). Together, Catherine and Paul strive to uncover new insights into GQ and its potential implications for education, business, and society.

Catherine Mattiske

Genius Quotient (GQ) / Inner Genius Inventor, GQ Global
Catherine has a Master of Science from Northcentral University and is currently pursuing her PhD in Educational Neuroscience. Her research focuses on understanding adult learning, creativity, and communication.

Dr. Paul Lever

Chief Research Officer, GQ Global
Dr. Lever holds an MBA and PhD in Business/ Organizational Psychology from Swinburne University. His research focuses on understanding how organizations enable or limit learning transfer.

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