How To Be A Silent Genius | Catherine Mattiske

Jun 5 / Catherine Mattiske

We've all been in a meeting where someone won't stop talking. They think they are the only ones who have something valuable to say. But the truth is, we can all be geniuses if we just learn to listen.

Quiz Question:

What other word can you make from the letters in LISTEN?

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have in business and in life. When you listen, you learn. You learn about people and about situations. You learn what people want and what they don't want. You learn about their pain points and their joys. And when you know these things, you can be a genius at solving problems and creating solutions.

Active Listening - a critical skill

When it comes to communicating effectively, one of the most important skills is the ability to actively listen. Whether we are talking with our colleagues at work or engaging with our family and friends, being able to really tune in and pay attention is a powerful way to learn, connect, and influence others. When we learn how to truly listen, we are able to gain insight into what another person is thinking or feeling – an insight that can help us build trust and enhance our relationships.

And when we learn how to enter into what Catherine Mattiske calls the "Genius Zone," or a state of heightened awareness and connection with others, we tap into our Inner Genius – that natural creativity and resourcefulness that lies within all of us. So, if you want to strengthen your communication skills and unlock your Inner Genius, start by embracing the power of active listening. 

After all, it could be your key to unlocking your full potential!

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Quiz Answer:


When we truly listen, called active listening, our brains and bodies are completely silent. In this sense, listening is an act of communication that allows us to learn, connect with people, and influence the world around us. It also allows us to tap into our Inner Genius and enter into a state of flow known as the "Genius Zone."

This is because when we listen deeply and thoughtfully, our minds become free from distractions and open up to new ideas, insights, and perspectives. Through the connection that we form with others through listening, we can learn new things about ourselves and the world around us, allowing us access to the vast potential that lies within each of us.

Whether you're starting a new project or trying to figure out something with colleagues or family, listening has the power to unlock your Inner Genius and take you where you need to go. So start being silent, tuning in today, and enriching your life!

The benefits of listening

There are many benefits to listening. When you listen, you:

Develop deeper relationships with others

When you take the time to really listen to someone, they feel valued and appreciated. This deepens your relationship with them and builds trust. People are more likely to do business with someone they trust.

Learn more about your customers

If you want to serve your customers well, you need to understand them. And the best way to do that is to listen to them. Ask them questions and then really listen to their answers. What are their needs? What are their wants? What are their pain points? The more you know about your customers, the better you can serve them.

Avoid misunderstandings

Misunderstandings happen when we don't listen carefully or we make assumptions based on our own biases. If you take the time to really listen to what someone is saying, you can avoid misunderstandings before they happen.

Solve problems more effectively

Listening helps you understand the root cause of a problem so that you can solve it more effectively. When you listen, pay attention not just to the words but also to the emotions behind the words. This will help you get to the heart of the matter quickly so that you can find a solution that works for everyone involved.

The Power of Active Listening

Have you ever been in a conversation where you felt like you weren't being heard? Or maybe you were the one doing the talking, and the person you were talking to wasn't really paying attention. It's frustrating, right? We've all been there.

But what if I told you that there's a way to avoid those frustrating conversations altogether? It's called active listening, and it's a skill that anyone can learn with a little practice. Active listening is all about engaging with the person you're talking to in a way that shows them that you're interested in what they have to say.

How to Be an Active Listener

The first step to becoming an active listener is to pay attention to the person you're talking to. That might seem obvious, but it's important to focus on what the other person is saying instead of thinking about what you're going to say next. One way to do this is to make eye contact and keep your body language open. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, and try not to fidget. If you can, repeat back what the other person has said to show that you're listening. For example, if someone tells you they're having a tough day, you might say something like, "It sounds like it's been a really rough day for you. Is there something I can do to help?"

The second step is to be patient and let the other person finish speaking before responding. This can be tough, especially if you're eager to jump in with your own opinion. But it's important to resist the urge and give the other person time to share their thoughts fully. If necessary, take a deep breath and count to three before responding. This will give you time to collect your thoughts and ensure that you're really understanding what the other person is saying.

Finally, it's important to show that you're empathizing with the other person by making supportive statements and nonverbal cues. Nodding your head or saying things like "I see" or "I understand how you feel" can go a long way toward making the other person feel heard and valued. 

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When we open ourselves up to the rich possibilities of listening, we can learn, connect, and communicate in ways that enrich our lives and our communities. Listening allows us to learn about other perspectives and insights, fostering our ability to forge meaningful relationships based on understanding and mutual appreciation. Listening also helps us to tap into our Inner Genius, allowing us to discover new ideas and possibilities within ourselves. And in the "Genius Zone," where inspiration is elevated, creativity abounds, and deep listening occurs, we can amplify our influence and make a real difference in the world around us. So, if you want to enrich your life by being totally present and listening, open yourself up to new experiences, explore your potential as an influencer, and connect with your Inner Genius

Active listening is a skill that anyone can learn with a little practice. It's all about engaging with the person you're talking to in a way that shows them that you're interested in what they have to say. The next time you find yourself in a conversation, try out these tips and see how they help!

And the next time you're in a meeting or a conversation, take a step back and really listen. You may be surprised at how much smarter you sound when you keep your mouth shut and your ears open. And who knows? Maybe you’ll unlock your Inner Genius!

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About Catherine

About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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