"Unlock Inner Genius" Shows How to Integrate the 5 Senses to Supercharge Our Communication

by Catherine Mattiske · 4 min read
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In her latest book, global business educator Catherine Mattiske shares how to tap into others’ learning preferences, build rapport with them, and engage them on a deeper level.
In her acclaimed book and e-suite, “Unlock Inner Genius,” globally recognized training expert Catherine Mattiske says that we each learn with a unique and individual learning preference and that we often unknowingly use words and phrases aligned with our sense-based learning preferences when illustrating points to others. In “Unlock Inner Genius,” Catherine shows how we can use sense-based “predicate phrases” more consciously and strategically to tap into others’ learning preferences, build rapport with them, and engage them on a deeper level. “As supercharged humans who have Unlocked Their Inner Genius, we can build rapport, either in-person or digitally, by speaking using phrases according to their preferred system of language,” says Catherine. “Most of the time, people are unaware of the method of using predicate phrases. It simply feels like the person (the one that has unlocked their Inner Genius) is ‘speaking their language.'”

Built on founder Catherine Mattiske’s 30 years of experience in the global business world, “Unlock Inner Genius” is a book and e-suite designed to unlock an individual’s learning and communication needs, along with those of everyone in their world. Individuals discover which of 12 Inner Genius Archetypes they are by completing a brief online profile determining:

  1. their preference for taking in new information (Brain Fuel),
  2. their choice for processing information (Processing Power), and
  3. their personal ignition tool (Power-Up).

Upon discovering their Inner Genius Archetype and each of the other Inner Genius Archetypes, their world opens, as they now can identify and engage their own unique learning and communication preferences and engage the learning and communication profiles of everyone in their life. With knowledge of the 12 Inner Genius Archetypes, people will feel they are genuinely being spoken to and heard when you present, co-workers will feel there is rapport, synergy and flow when you lead meetings, and team members will feel like you’re ‘talking their language’ when you’re instructing them.

As the first component to discovering one’s Inner Genius Archetype, Catherine terms our preference for taking in new information as our “Brain Fuel.” Some of us have a visual Brain Fuel profile, learning best from diagrams and illustrations, and maybe even thinking in pictures. Others have an auditory Brain Fuel profile, learning best through verbal lectures, talking things through, and listening to others. Still, others have a kinesthetic Brain Fuel profile, learning best through movement, physical activity, and a more hands-on approach. Most of us are a combination of the three but usually have a distinct preference.

When people who have a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic Brain Fuel profile attempt to communicate a point or teach a lesson, they often unknowingly use predicate phrases in line with their learning preference:
Visual eye icon

visual learning preference

Can you picture that?
Keeping an eye on things
At first glance
Let’s take a look
It’s not so black and white
auditory ear icon

auditory learning preference

It clicks
Sounds good
Like music to my ears
Working together in harmony
Shout it from the rooftops
That rings a bell
Loud and clear 
I’m all ears
Tuning in
Kinesthetic hand icon

kinesthetic learning preference

I feel that 
Holding on to
Tackling the issue
Hand in hand
Connect with
In “Unlock Inner Genius,” Catherine, therefore, recommends the following to supercharge our communication:

  • Pay close attention to the sense-based predicate phrases people unknowingly use so you can understand what their Brain Fuel profile is.
  • Build rapport with them by consciously using sense-based predicates that match their Brain Fuel profile.
  • When speaking to a general audience, use sense-based predicates for all three Brain Fuel profiles to cover all bases and reach the widest audience possible.
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About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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