Catherine Mattiske signature

train for results

Maximize the Impact of Training Through Review
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Do you want to be certain that your participants will go back to work and apply what they have learned - actually changing their behavior? In this book, Catherine Mattiske aims to bring this goal within your reach: 100% success with 100% of participants 100% of the time.

Learners need to know if they are learning, and trainers need to know if they are successfully transferring skills and knowledge. Successful review activities measure learning while participants are still in the training room and, in fact, they speed up the pace of learning and end up saving you time.

Train for Results is focused on such training review activities. The essential guide to training review also includes a handy library of review activity ideas for you to draw on and adapt to meet your training needs.
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What's inside?

Train For Results shows you how to conduct continuous review in the training room to consolidate learning and build confidence so you maximize success with every participant.
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1:   Review Activities defined
  • Chapter 2:   Who Benefits from Review Activities?
  • Chapter 3:   Myths About Measuring Learning
  • Chapter 4:   Linking Review Activities to Course Goals
  • Chapter 5:   Levels of Participation
  • Chapter 6:   Understanding the Different Needs of Participants
  • Chapter 7:   Daily Plans and the Role of the Trainer
  • Chapter 8:   An A-Z of Training Reviews
  • Chapter 9:   Debriefing a Review
  • Chapter 10: Tips and Tricks


162 pages



Covers Review Design, delivery & Debrief

ebook sNEAK pEEK

Table of Contents | About the Author | Acknowledgements | Introduction Chapter | Structure of this Book | 2 Example Review Activities

reviews by readers

robert anderson

Practical & easy to use ideas
  With more and more pressure on training departments to perform, we are always looking for ways to make our training more effective - and looking for ways to measure its effectiveness. I found this book helped me really focus on the true measure -- did my participants learn the material they came to learn and are they ready to apply it. The author gives tips on using interactive reviews throughout a training course so the participants are continually showing their understanding of the content - and building up their confidence in using it.

While there are a lot of 'trainer games' books out there, I found the approach taken in this book really helped to use activities and 'games' in the overall design of a course and to support training objectives rather than just use games for games sake. The book offers a good balance between theory and tips. The chapter on A-Z of Training Reviews is sure to give any new or seasoned trainer some valuable ideas to put to use. I found the approach is practical and easy to put to use right away. I've just purchased copies for all of the trainers on my team.  

Richard P. Taylor

Engaging, Easy to Use, Effective
  I've also attended several in-person workshops with the author, and her book is as approachable and effective as she is. As the head of training for my company, I can attest to the fact that most often, only student reaction is measured after training, i.e., "Did you like the training?" That's not the point. Training isn't entertainment (though it's nice when you enjoy it!) The point of training is to ensure your students learn something, especially when the company has invested a good deal of money in the cost of the training, the cost of having students away from their regular jobs, and often the cost of flying them out and housing them during a longer course.

Review activities are absolutely essential to "bed down" what's been taught, and Mattiske gives literally dozens of ways to do this WITHOUT resorting to multiple choice or other written exams.  The review activities she teaches in this book are fun but more importantly, they actually are effective and require only a little preparation on the part of the trainer.  

Jasper Freeman - Director, Corporate Accounts

 As a lifetime trainer, I have had the pleasure of reading this book and working with Ms.Mattiske in her training workshops. If you are an established training department or just starting up, this book provides your trainers with everything they need to know to exceed your training goals. Her training ideas are time tested, easy to learn and more importantly, easy to execute.

Every new trainer should read this book to assure that their training career is built on a solid base and provides them with the tools they need to succeed.  If you are going to spend your training budget wisely, this book is a great value. It will serve as a reference for your trainers far, far into the future.  

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