Manager and employee toolkit for an inclusive workplace
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Understanding and Managing Diversity provides you with specific skill development in either managing or contributing to an inclusive and diverse workplace through understanding
and displaying acceptable workplace behaviors. It includes general guidelines and information, underpinned by specific
legislation relating to workplace conduct (discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimization) in most countries.
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What's in the ebook package?
Understanding and Managing Diversity - eBook
Part 1:
What is an Inclusive and Diverse Workplace?
Part 2:
Locating Policies and Legislation
Part 3:
Workplace Discrimination
Part 4:
Workplace Harassment
Part 5:
The Inclusive and Diverse Workplace in Action
Part 6:
Impact, Prevention and Taking Action
Tools & Job Aids
Interactive Activity Book containing:
Guided Activities
Your Personal Learning Journal
Skill Development Action Plan
Job Aid - Defining Workplace Behavior
eBook 122 pages
activity book
free tools & job aids
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