Finding Words That Resonate With (and Influence) Your Audience

by Catherine Mattiske · 3 min read
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 In this article, Gill McEwen is a Senior Education Advisor who taps into her Inner Genius to help people when delivering presentations and other professional communications. Her Genius Quotient is 'The Mason'.
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Gill McEwen holds two high-profile training positions in Australia: Senior Education Advisor at Australia’s leading mining professional body and Director of Education Strategy for Australia’s leading healthcare company. Despite years of experience, thanks to Catherine Mattiske’s Unlock Inner Genius book and e-suite, Gill has lately been constructing her presentations — and her communication — in a brand new way.“

When I was first introduced to ‘Inner Genius’ and the ‘Genius Quotient (GQ),’ I said to myself, ‘I know that. I’ve been exposed to that. I’ve trained on that,’” says Gill. “But what Catherine has done is taken a lot of different models and pulled them all together, which makes a lot of sense.” “I’m now thinking a bit more clearly about who my audience is and which words are going to resonate with that audience. Before Inner Genius, I had never thought about which words might resonate with this group versus that group.”

Catherine Mattiske is a globally recognized training expert and the founder of TPC — The Performance Company. Long ago, Catherine fell in love with how people learn and sought to create a system by which presenters could unlock their audience’s attention.

12 Archetypes that map out 12 types of learning preferences

Today, Catherine’s “Unlock Inner Genius” book and e-suite culminate 30 years of training experience. She created the Genius Quotient or GQ. GQ exists as a powerful tool for trainers, presenters, coaches, and team leaders to tap into their audience’s learning preferences. In “Unlock Inner Genius,” Catherine introduces the Genius Quotient: 12 Archetypes that neatly map out 12 types of learning preferences. Catherine then provides tips on identifying and tapping into each Archetype to maximize that person’s learning.

For example, “The Narrator” Archetype prefers to learn by listening and talking and seeks to connect to the big picture to process and synthesize information. When working with The Narrator, presenters should engage them with why they are learning, including the benefits and advantages. Instead of featuring visual media (flow charts, diagrams, etc.), the presenter would be better served by discussing the concepts and connecting the person to the idea. Once they have hooked “The Narrator,” it’s time to focus on facts, figures, and data. Using this flow is a winner for “The Narrator,” who might not be particularly interested in the detail straight-up, but having connected first to the big picture, they’ll be ready for all of the precision, facts and data.

how to make people come on your journey easily

“I’m a Mason,” says Gill, talking about her Inner Genius (GQ) Archetype. The Mason seeks to process information by constructing, building, and getting their hands dirty in real-world, practical ways. “When I read my profile, I said, ‘Oh my God, I always tell people you have to construct something.’“Now, if I’m creating a PowerPoint presentation, I’m making sure I not only have all of the language for the Inner Genius Archetypes and their predicate phrases but the influencing words as well.”

And she doesn’t do it with just PowerPoint Presentations — now, she does it with all of her professional communication. “Now, if I’m trying to talk to our account managers, I will use the influencing words around sales communication. With salespeople, if you don’t reel them into a certain time frame, they will forget about it and move on. So I began using language like ‘time is running out,’ ‘last chance to get back to me,’ etc. And I actually found I got responses almost instantly. Before, I was probably a little too soft in my communication — I was the one having to go back again and again.” “I used to think to myself, ‘What do I need to do to get these people to come on a journey with me and come on it easily?’ And thanks to Catherine, I’ve found it was through words. I used to think it had to be a lot of other things, but it’s really just words.”

original article published on medium

30 JULY 2022
About Catherine

About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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