4 Ways to stop email ping-pong

by Catherine Mattiske · 5 min read
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In this article, Catherine shares how to reduce unnecessary email taking advantage of 4 easy to implement ways.
You were just cc'ed onto an email thread, copied into the drama of people yelling in CAPS, dodging requests, making excuses, and writing stories that — if printed — could wallpaper a small house. Is there a better way? How can we end the cycle of email Ping-Pong once and for all?

four tips on how to eliminate email Ping-Pong from your inbox and your life

1. Connect

You Own a Phone; So Do They! After two back-and-forths, just pick up your phone. Stop emailing and texting and start TALKING. It will save aggravation on both sides and you'll resolve what you need to quickly by actually — gasp — connecting with the other person.

2. Be positive

You'll Catch More Flies With Honey. Don't be the one whining, complaining, or acting like a sad sack. People will connect better (read: respond and do what you need them to do) if you are positive, upbeat, respectful, pleasant, and poised for action. This will make your message stick and you'll be upping your influence game at the same time. Winner!

3. Stick to the Facts

Leave the Drama for the Movies. Keep emails, texts, and voicemails drama-free. Stick to the facts and think "report" rather than "story." No one wants to wade through the backstory — it's likely no one even cares. Make sure your communication includes facts, lists, and the appropriate level of detail. Too much for an email? Then send a video message, call them, or meet.

4. Keep it short

People Sigh When They Get Wallpaper Emails. Instead, save the wallpapering for remodeling the dining room, and keep your communication short, concise, and to the point, tailoring it to their preferred way of learning.


Global business educator and author Catherine Mattiske is the founder of TPC - The Performance Company, a leading training and consulting organization that has worked with Fortune 100 companies worldwide. Established in 1994, TPC has offices in Sydney, Los Angeles, New York, London, Singapore, and Basel (Switzerland). The author of more than 30 books, her latest is "Unlock Inner Genius: Power Your Path to Extraordinary Success" (September 2021). Discover more about your Inner Genius at thegeniusquotient.com

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About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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