Inner Genius Tools Help Businesses Achieve Optimal Communication and Learning Among Teams

by Catherine Mattiske · 5 min read
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The Inner Genius is the way that each individual collects, processes, learns and communicates information. It is their unique filter through which they connect with the world. Inner Genius helps businesses achieve optimal communication and learning among teams.

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10 NOV 2021
Inner Genius online tool suite and book provide the blueprint for businesses to unlock optimal communication. The way that each individual collects, processes, learns, and communicates information is exclusive to that person. It is their unique Inner Genius: the filter through which they connect with the world.

Built on founder Catherine Mattiske’s thirty years of experience in the global business world, Inner Genius presents a book and online tool suite that provide the key to an individual’s learning and communication needs. By assessing their Inner Genius Archetype, the tools provide the blueprint for businesses to achieve optimal learning, collaboration, and productivity among team members.

The author of more than 30 books, Catherine Mattiske’s latest, “Unlock Inner Genius: Power Your Path to Personal Success” (September 2021), is an in-depth guide to the 12 Inner Genius Archetypes and outlines steps to optimizing learning and communication according to individual needs. Catherine Mattiske shows readers how to unlock their learning ability, learn faster, and gain new knowledge more easily. It educates readers not only on what communication skills will help them based on their Inner Genius Archetype, but how to work with others based on their colleagues’ archetypes.

The Inner Genius online tool suite

The Inner Genius online tool suite assesses an individual’s Inner Genius Archetype, generating in-depth reports that include strategies, language, and tools that help people and teams overcome their learning and communication roadblocks. Individuals learn which of 12 Inner Genius Archetypes they are by completing a brief online profile. If they are “The Decrypter,” they have an eye for the bigger questions and are skilled at building connections through inquiry. If they are “The Narrator,” they connect to the world through the heart of a story, and are focused on overall goals.

In professional and personal settings, people often employ learning and communication techniques that don’t work for them or their colleagues. Though they may speak clearly and concisely, they often find they aren’t able to get their point across. When communication and learning break down, professional teams often suffer. In business, this can lead to frustration, lack of productivity, and low employee retention. In personal relationships, it may cause arguments and, in some cases, lead to divorce.

Instead of functioning as a behavioral assessment tool, Inner Genius leverages an innovative algorithm to assess an individual’s specific learning preference, categorizing them as one of 12 Inner Genius Archetypes. This provides a key to how individuals best receive information and process knowledge, and can improve their ability to learn and communicate in all aspects of their life. Not only do the archetypes offer us the key to our own communication skills, but when we identify another person’s archetype, we know how best to work with that individual.

“We have never been in a more rapidly changing world than we are now,” SAYS MATTISKE

“This book will help people, regardless of their path or industry, find their Inner Genius and reach new heights. Once people better understand their Inner Genius Archetype, a combination of their learning and communication preferences, they can tackle what is in front of them much more effectively.”
About Catherine

About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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