From Job Candidate to Career and Leadership - How Inner Genius Archetypes Lead to Solid Team Effort

by Catherine MattiskE · 5 min read
 13 APR 2022 
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Identifying key attributes that different candidates have before hiring them can help workplaces become more productive while the employees excel, even in the most competitive industries. Read about the advantages of the Inner Genius profile for candidates and employees.

Identifying key attributes that different candidates have before hiring them can help workplaces become more productive while the employees excel, even in the most competitive industries.   HR practitioners have relied on various profiles, diagnostics, IQ, and EQ for many years. Now, there's the new GQ, or Genius Quotient, supported by the Inner Genius (GQ) profile — driving a new way of looking at communication. For HR, working in new ways is vital to helping and maximizing organizational success. 

Unbiased Potential Candidate Profiling

Backed by learning science, each applicant and employee has an Inner Genius Archetype that represents how they learn new things, process information, and communicate to others. HR managers can use this valuable information to their advantage to hire the perfect candidates while matching individuals with peers with whom they can easily collaborate, which prevents miscommunication and frustration. Avoiding miscommunication in the workplace is the key to avoiding unnecessary conflict while boosting productivity. Before hiring individuals to take on essential roles within a company, HR can profile the candidates applying for these positions. However, they must be careful during this process to avoid discrimination while using the Inner Genius Archetypes to understand the applicants and how they learn.

The advantages of using this profiling method are tremendous at the beginning of the hiring process because hiring managers can find new people who will collaborate well with existing team members. The goal is to find the right individuals who can contribute to the business while adding value to teams.   Inner Genius profiling is also ideal for onboarding new employees to help match them with the right team members to avoid conflict, boost morale, and keep everyone as productive as possible in the workplace. Employees will look forward to coming to work and completing their assigned tasks when they get paired up with the right people and are taught new things in a way that makes it easier to process and genuinely understand.
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"Unlock Inner Genius provides a fantastic philosophy for creating a powerful and impactful approach to learning and communicating, by truly appreciating our unique Inner Genius Archetype. What's impressive is that this can be applied not only in a corporate context but also in educational environments and even within our own family. Understanding our Inner Genius Archetype provides a level of self-awareness that in turn enables us to appreciate the archetypes of those around us, meaning communication can be approached in a way that is tailored to the needs of the audience. Unlock Inner Genius provides not only the ability to learn what your archetype is but also builds on this with the Inner Genius Wheel — a simple yet effective tool to frame communication. A must-read book for any leader who wants to truly connect with the people they are working with."
Nebel Crowhurst - People & Culture Director
Chartered Fellow, CIPD
FLPI (Fellow, Learning and Perfromance Insitute)

Matching Mentors With the Right Mentees to Maximize Potential

Discovering employees' learning preferences, including the preferences of new hires, allows companies to connect their more experienced workers with recently hired employees to provide the best mentorship possible. In addition, connecting people with similar attributes benefits companies because it often means that they will work better together and be more productive. In the mentor/mentee role, the mentor can provide valuable knowledge, tips, and suggestions to help the mentee achieve goals and succeed within the company. If employees are doing well, it's naturally good for business and can lead to substantial personal growth, higher productivity rates, greater savings, and far better ratings.

Handling Performance Issues to Improve Quality in the Workplace

Occasionally, all companies will experience performance issues, with some employees struggling to stay up to par with the expected quality. However, some performance issues occur because the team members struggle to collaborate and work well together due to significant differences in learning things. If HR completes a profile on each person within the company, there is a greater chance to avoid performance issues by setting the employees up for success by pairing them with the people they work best with each day. If an employee works with someone who learns and processes information as they do, whether they're a Catalyst, Futurist, or even the Narrator, they have a better chance of understanding the information given to them and using what they've learned more effectively to get things done. They can also work on improving their performance to avoid quality issues.

Steady Career Progression to Help Climb the Ladder

When most people get a job, they look forward to climbing the ladder to receive promotions, earn more money, and take on roles they've always dreamed of having. Learning individual Inner Genius Archetypes can help with steady career progression. When a person receives their custom profile and learns more about their strengths, learning styles, and communication preferences, they can use this newfound knowledge to excel in every role they take on while getting promoted from one position to the next over the years. For those who take upward progression seriously, learning their archetype and the specific instinctive traits they possess is an absolute must. Not only is it the key to realizing how they learn new and valuable things, but it's also a way for them to gain much more of an influence in the workplace, especially when taking on leadership roles.
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"Unlocking your Inner Genius for me means capturing the hearts and minds of those I interact with through any channel. Leaders are encouraged to treat employees as individuals, but how do you maintain an individual focus when addressing the team collectively? This book provides the blueprint for achieving this outcome. It IS possible! Communicating individually, but collectively, means getting everyone aligned sooner and moving people through change in a more seamless way. This is helpful in both business and personal settings. I'm extremely passionate about people’s success (family, friends, employees, customers), and communication is a critical element to building each and every relationship. Thank you, Catherine, for the insight on how to be more effective in reaching people on a personal level! "
Mary Poppen, Chief Customer Officer, Glint at LinkedIn and former Chief Customer Officer at SAP Cloud and SuccessFactors


Leadership Development to Take on More Prominent Roles

The Inner Genius Archetypes help HR identify employees who possess the most common traits leaders often have, such as being strategic, innovative, and adaptive. It's also best to use the Archetype of different individuals to understand what various leaders can bring to the organization, whether they're self-motivated, great at communication, or even creative enough to develop new concepts that benefit the business. Not everyone taking a leadership role is the same, and some possess unique traits commonly found in leaders while still learning a bit differently from others. If they can identify their strengths, it becomes easier for them to excel in such a critical role while working with dozens of employees each day.

Training Programs to Help Employees Become the Best at What They Do

Each person's Inner Genius profile plays an integral role in a company's success. It's great to use as a pre-work exercise to identify the learning level of different individuals before putting them in groups to work together to learn new things. The profiling process uncovers how these diverse individuals learn to help them become even better at collaborating and putting in the team effort. If employees get paired with the right peers and work well with one another while completing daily tasks, it leads to more remarkable outcomes for everyone involved.

Completing Inner Genius profiles on all workers — from potential candidates to new hires, long-term employees, and leaders — is one of the most efficient ways for companies to keep things running smoothly. Each person has a unique profile that identifies their strengths and weaknesses while making it easier to pair them up with the ideal team members to maximize potential. For HR Managers who take the initiative to complete these profiles on each employee, it positively impacts the company, leading to better results and more success.

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About Catherine mattiske

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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