Mini-blog Series

3 things happen when... you are not living up to your own standards

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If you're not unlocking your Inner Genius, you're falling short of your own standards. Three things happen when you are falling short of your own standardsPress the numbers to learn more:

you can experience a feeling of regret and shame

you may run the risk of having an impact on other people's perceptions of you

It can lead to an overall lack of motivation for future tasks and challenges

If you are falling short of your own standards, you can experience a feeling of regret and shame.
This is because when we don't live up to our own expectations, it can make us feel inferior or inadequate. In addition, not meeting our own standards can lead to feelings of disappointment and failure, making us feel like our identity and worth have been diminished.

To make matters worse, the resulting internal struggle can result in an increased sense of loss aversion bias - the idea that we have lost something valuable due to our inability to meet our own goals and objectives.
If you don't adhere to your personal standards, you may also run the risk of having an impact on other people's perceptions of you as well.
For instance, if these standards involve professional or academic pursuits, then failing to meet them could result in a negative reputation within your network - either with colleagues at work or peers in school or university.

This could lead to fewer opportunities for advancement or recognition within these groups. Furthermore, friends or family members might be less likely to respect your opinions or decisions if they view you as someone who sets unrealistic goals that are unattainable in their eyes.
Additionally, falling short of one's own standards can lead to an overall lack of motivation and demotivation for future tasks and challenges.
When we don't achieve what we set out for ourselves it can be de-motivating and discourage us from continuing with similar activities in the future. This can be especially true if we are constantly setting unachievable goals that seem too difficult even before they have been attempted - leading to feelings of despair instead of hope when attempting anything new outside our comfort zone.

The result is usually a sense of discouragement where individuals become discouraged by failure without recognizing potential areas for improvement or growth - all due ultimately to not meeting one's self-imposed standards!

Reaching your potential feels amazing!

It's like conquering the world. When you're not unlocking your Inner Genius and living up to your standards, it can be frustrating, and disheartening and make you feel like giving up altogether. Avoid this trap - unlock your Inner Genius, live by your standards, and excel. Want help assessing what's holding you back from reaching your potential? Curious about how neuroscience can show us new ways of thinking? 
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